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Everything interacts and is dependent on other things.

Dieter Rams

My understanding

Nothing exists in isolation. Whether in design, nature, or everyday life, everything is connected.

A chair is not just a chair. It interacts with the space around it, the body that sits on it, the materials it is made of. A single misplaced element in a design system can disrupt the entire experience. A poorly written piece of code can cause a chain reaction of errors.

Dieter Rams understood that good design is not just about how something looks or works on its own. It is about how it fits into a bigger picture. A product, an interface, or even a simple tool must live in harmony with the world around it.

This idea goes beyond design. In life, too, my actions, choices, and words affect others. The way I interact with people shapes relationships. The systems I build, whether in work or personal life, depend on how well everything connects.

This quote reminds me to think holistically. To step back and see how the small details fit into the bigger system. Because nothing stands alone, and everything I create, say, or do is part of something larger.

10 principles for good design by Dieter Rams

Rams -> Gary Hustwit’s documentary about legendary designer Dieter Rams.

  1. Good design is innovative.
  2. Good design makes a product useful.
  3. Good design is aesthetic.
  4. Good design makes a product understandable.
  5. Good design is unobtrusive.
  6. Good design is honest.
  7. Good design is long-lasting.
  8. Good design is thorough down to the last detail.
  9. Good design is environmentally friendly.
  10. Good design is as little design as possible.

Reminds me

  1. Marcus Aurelius’s quote “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”

  2. Roy T. Bennett’s quote “You cannot control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it.”

  3. Yuval Noah Harari’s quote “Eagles fly because they have wings. Humans fly because they know how to cooperate in large numbers.”

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