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True freedom starts with nothing to hide.

Brent Beshore

My understanding

Freedom is not just about where I can go or what I can do whenever I want. It is about what I carry with me.

When I have nothing to hide (whether thoughts, mistakes, or fears), I move through life lighter. There is no fear of being exposed, no need to keep up appearances, no energy wasted on maintaining a version of myself that is not real.

But honesty comes with a price. Being open means being vulnerable. Not everyone will understand, and some may judge. That is why so many people choose to hide (behind curated images, carefully crafted words, or silence). It feels safer, but it is not freedom.

True freedom comes when I no longer feel the need to filter myself out of fear. It does not mean sharing everything with everyone. It means knowing that the life I live and the person I show to the world are one and the same.

Letting go of the need to hide is not easy. But once I do, I can breathe.

I can move forward without the weight of secrecy holding me back. And that is real freedom.


Gary Travis’s post at LinkedIn

‛Deep Roots, Hard Looks, and Change’ 2024 Annual Letter of Permanant Equity

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